In a Wicked Age
four oracles


A Penny for Your Thoughts

Blood & Sex

10H: The child of a great and renowned theologist, forced into priesthood against both inclination and nature.

QC: The seizure of arcane powers by an arrogant and brutal wizard.

8H: The local lord's daughter, tramping after strawberries.

1D: A mysterious star-lit revel on a high bare hilltop.

God-kings of War

10H: A tender of war-bulls, shaved-headed and fearless.

QC: An altar to devils of the waste, stinking with gore.

8H: A day sacred to an oppressed slave cult, the celebration of which is punishable by torture.

1D: The human servant of a mighty and unspeakable demiurge.

the Unquiet Past

10H: The meeting by chance of old enemies, one less forgetful than the other.

QC: A wandering intelligence, intent on driving mortals mad.

8H: The son of a great tyrant, born crippled and denied his inheritance.

1D: The boasting chief of a team of rock-quarriers.

a Nest of Vipers

10H: A wizard jealously guarding her magical territory.

QC: The warden ghost of the place, generous to the good-willed.

8H: A decrier of the gods as false, unworthy of our attention, and his learned detractors, in heated dispute.

1D: A great convocation of mages, with many orders attending.